00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Heal naturally, for good! Enjoy vibrant health, zest, balance & connection

without relying on supplements, doctors, fads, or restrictive eating.

You need never again feel there's something wrong with you, or this is 'just how it is', or that you don't know exactly how to reclaim your right to natural health. 

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”

Heal naturally, for good! Enjoy vibrant health, zest, balance & connection

without relying on supplements, doctors, fads, or restrictive eating.

You need never again feel there's something wrong with you, or this is 'just how it is', or that you don't know exactly how to reclaim your right to natural health. 

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”


Imbalanced Digestion 

can show up as any of these symptoms

  • Female hormone imbalances like PMS, painful periods or ovulation, difficult menopause, PCOS, endometriosis, fertility issues, hormone related acne, headaches, etc
  • ​Symptoms of IBS; cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux and gasiness.
  • ​Anxiety or depression without circumstance.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.
  • ​Weight imbalance, including st​ubborn belly fat despite extensive dieting.
  • Auto-immune conditions like thryoid disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, crohn's, lupus, etc
  • ​Low energy, foggy brain and fatigue relieved by eating.
  • ​Carb cravings, low or high blood sugar, "hangriness", inability to miss a meal.
The underlying root cause is always lack of balance in the body, starting with the digestion (agni).
Resetting Digestive Balance (agni)

is the fast, natural, and long term way to...

  • Live symptom-free and feel fabulous.
  • ​Enjoy and celebrate your female body and emotions, experiencing their power and grace. 
  • ​Look forward to eating instead of dreading it.
  • Feel energized after eating and throughout the day.
  • Experience a sense of calmness and clarity.
  • ​Enjoy better moods and improved relationships.
  • Have effortless focus and performance.
  • ​Feel confident that you know exactly what to eat, uniquely for you.
  • ​Make space for your body's natural wisdom to heal your symptoms at root cause naturally & for good.

Imbalanced Digestion 

can show up as any of these symptoms

  • Female hormone imbalances like PMS, painful periods or ovulation, difficult menopause,
    PCOS, endometriosis, fertility issues, hormone related acne, headaches, etc
  • ​Symptoms of IBS; cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux and gasiness.
  • ​Anxiety or depression without circumstance.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.
  • ​Weight imbalance, including st​ubborn belly fat despite extensive dieting.
  • Auto-immune conditions like thyroid disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, crohn's, lupus, etc
  • ​Low energy, foggy brain and fatigue relieved by eating.
  • ​Carb cravings, low or high blood sugar, "hangriness", inability to miss a meal.
The underlying root cause is always lack of balance in the body, starting with the digestion (agni).
Resetting Digestive Balance (agni)

is the fast, natural, and long term way to...

  • Live symptom-free and feel fabulous.
  • ​Enjoy and celebrate your female body and emotions, experiencing their power and grace. 
  • ​Look forward to eating instead of dreading it.
  • Feel energized after eating and throughout the day.
  • Experience a sense of calmness and clarity.
  • ​Enjoy better moods and improved relationships.
  • Have effortless focus and performance.
  • ​Feel confident that you know exactly what to eat, uniquely for you.
  • ​Make space for your body's natural wisdom to heal your symptoms at root cause naturally & for good.
Hi, Myra here

All my life i struggled with my digestion and female cycles 

"And unresolved, this progressed into more health problems.

I tried everything you can possibly think of to find a solution.

Most things helped only temporarily if at all. I felt desperate and reached a real low. I thought there was no way out, and wanted to quit life!

When I discovered Ayurveda and Yoga my life turned a corner, everything lifted.

Still, it took years to figure out a system that is both whole and effective, yet simple to learn and implement. 

See, Ayurveda and Yoga are vast sciences with thousands of practices. Cherry pick or do too little and you'll miss it. Try to do it all and you'll be overwhelmed. 

With my team's help, and as tested and proven by thousands of clients, we can now bring you Agni Therapy - a holistic system of accessible Ayurveda - simple to integrate, true to its roots, and beautifully effective. 

Every time.  

What will you do differently when you feel fabulous? Today, tomorrow, next weekend? How will carefree and confident look for you?  

It's possible for you too, I promise." 

free yourself!

Hi, Myra here

All my life I struggled with my digestion and female cycles 

"And unresolved, this progressed into more health problems.

I tried everything you can possibly think of to find a solution.

Most things helped only temporarily if at all. I felt desperate and reached a real low. I thought there was no way out, and wanted to quit life!

When I discovered Ayurveda and Yoga my life turned a corner, everything lifted.

Still, it took years to figure out a system that is both whole and effective, yet simple to learn and implement. 

See, Ayurveda and Yoga are vast sciences with thousands of practices. Cherry pick or do too little and you'll miss it. Try to do it all and you'll be overwhelmed. 

With my team's help, and as tested and proven by thousands of clients, we can now bring you Agni Therapy - a holistic system of accessible Ayurveda - simple to integrate, true to its roots, and beautifully effective. 

Every time.  

What will you do differently when you feel fabulous? Today, tomorrow, next weekend? How will carefree and confident look for you?  

It's possible for you too, I promise."

free yourself!

Ayurvedic Practitioner (AP) and Ayurveda Yoga Therapist (AYT), Myra Lewin is a professional member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA). A master yogini, Myra has amassed more than 90,000 hours of Yoga teaching experience spanning 30+ years of practice. She is also the author of four acclaimed books, Freedom in Your Relationship with Food, Simple Ayurvedic Recipes I & II, and is the host of two remarkable podcasts on holistic healing, “Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule” and “Spark Your Intuition”.

Ayurvedic Practitioner (AP) and Ayurveda Yoga Therapist (AYT), Myra Lewin is a professional member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA). 
A master yogini, Myra has amassed more than 90,000 hours of Yoga teaching experience spanning 30+ years of practice. She is also the author of four books, Freedom in Your Relationship with Food and Simple Ayurvedic Recipes, and is the host of two remarkable podcasts on holistic healing, “Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule” and “Spark Your Intuition”.

"This program has given me amazing results in a short period of time! " 

"I had a lot of anxiety, especially around my period, cravings, cramping, uncomfortable bloating. I’m 48 years old and approaching menopause and I just really wanted to provide my body with the support it needs to make that transition. This program has given me amazing results in a short period of time! 

Last month I had my period I didn't even know it was coming… it was so uneventful that it actually surprised me! No symptoms. 

I’m not worried about menopause now, if anything.. my life is getting better. AND I’ve saved so much money. I had been taking supplements and vitamins for 30 years. Hundreds of dollars a month. I’m off those completely.”


"This program has given me amazing results in a short period of time! " 

"I had a lot of anxiety, especially around my period, cravings, cramping, uncomfortable bloating. I’m 48 years old and approaching menopause and I just really wanted to provide my body with the support it needs to make that transition. This program has given me amazing results in a short period of time! 

Last month I had my period I didn't even know it was coming… it was so uneventful that it actually surprised me! No symptoms. 

I’m not worried about menopause now, if anything.. my life is getting better. AND I’ve saved so much money. I had been taking supplements and vitamins for 30 years. Hundreds of dollars a month. I’m off those completely.”



Agni Therapy

is So much more than a gut reset or an eating plan

It's a way of life that will allow you to heal yourself naturally, forever.

Join us for a 4-week journey to feeling balanced, whole, connected and living symptom free.
Start today for only $87
6 x $87 (ONE PAYMENT TODAY + FIVE monthly paymentS)
Note: this option ends Dec 31 2022
OR a single payment of $467
TODAY's PRICE is 40% off Our regular price
Agni Therapy Mock Up

With Agni Therapy

you can look forward to


Be connected with your 

"Agni Therapy gave me relief from symptoms within weeks & tools for life. I'm grateful to Myra for making these teachings so easy to understand."



Be connected with your

"I experience a sense of calmness & clarity, and am enjoying better moods and improved relationships. I can focus and perform better at work."

 • ROX


Be connected with your 

"I feel confident knowing exactly what to eat, uniquely for me. I look forward to eating instead of dreading it."


With Agni Therapy

you'll walk away with

  • The ability to heal yourself naturally and holistically so you never have to rely on doctors or medications to feel happy and healthy again.
  • Stable moods, increased energy, and a clearer head so you can focus on the things that are most important to you right now – whether that be your career or spending time with your loved ones.
  • ​Confidence that the food you eat will leave you feeling nourished, energized, and connected so that you can live your life fully.


Agni Therapy Mock Up

Agni Therapy

is So much more than a gut reset or an eating plan

It's a way of life that will allow you to heal yourself naturally, forever.

Join us for a 4-week journey to feeling balanced, whole, fabulous and living symptom free.
Start today for only $87
NOTE: this option ends 31 dec 2022
OR a single payment of $467

With Agni Therapy

you can look forward to


Be connected with your 

"Agni Therapy gave me relief from symptoms within weeks & tools for life. I'm grateful to Myra for making these teachings so easy to understand."



Be connected with your

"I experience a sense of calmness & clarity, and am enjoying better moods and improved relationships. I can focus and perform better at work."

 • ROX


Be connected with your 

"I feel confident knowing exactly what to eat, uniquely for me. I look forward to eating instead of dreading it."


With Agni Therapy

you'll walk away with

  • The ability to heal yourself naturally and holistically so you never have to rely on doctors or medications to feel happy and healthy again.
  • Stable moods, increased energy, and a clearer head so you can focus on the things that are most important to you right now – whether that be your career or spending time with your loved ones.
  • ​Confidence that the food you eat will leave you feeling nourished, energized, and connected so that you can live your life fully.

What's included

in this four week experience?

WEEK 1 - Foundations 

  • Set your intentions for the program, and commit to your WHY so you can stay true to your promise to heal yourself over the 4 weeks and beyond. 
  • Explore the foundational principles of eating for health, with a flexible framework for balanced meals so you can feel nourished without spending hours in the kitchen.
  • We’ll show you how to manage your energy so you’re not pulled back into your old habits of eating from lack of energy.

WEEK 2 - Prepare for your health RESeT

  • This week is all about getting prepared to start your reset. You’ll get your kitchen set up, buy all the simple ingredients you’ll need, and start clearing your commitments and mind for the following week so you’re able to devote the energy you need to your reset.
           ** you can work this around your diary and needs

WEEK 3 - Reset your digestion FOR lifelong
               Health and happiness

  • We begin  week 3 of your healing journey with a simple reset. This is not a starvation diet, you will feel nourished and supported the whole way through with simple but delicious recipes to support the healing of the gut and body.
  • ​We will also support your mind with clearing energy practices to help you with the following: moving out of your comfort zone, patience with healing, clearing judgment, and healing your relationship with food.

WEEK 4 - SETUP FOR continued success

  • This week you'll come out of your reset gently, and step into your new healthy life.   
  • Agni Therapy is designed for you to incorporate many of the tools of Ayurveda and Yoga into your own life at home. We give you tools to transition from the reset to every day living, and we give you additional practices for when you're ready to deepen your experience.


  • Your package also includes a specialised Agni Therapy one to one health consultation with one of our experienced practitioners
  • ​This personalized guidance will provide you with clarity and will ensure you fast track your healing journey
  • ​It starts with reviewing your health history and current state, and is followed up with email support for 4 weeks after the consultation

"Myra gave me results within weeks & tools for life"

"I found Myra's guidance at a time I felt lost with my health. No matter what I did my health conditions seemed to get worse and I had these stubborn, painful acne form on my jaw/ neck and I was going to the hospital a fair bit with the pain due to endometriosis. Myra showed me how to balance myself and gave me tools I can use for life to maintain my health.

By implementing the recommendations into my life, within 2 weeks the painful jaw acne went away, and from vomiting and experiencing extreme pain on my cycles to having minimal pain and no vomiting 1 month in.

I'm grateful to Myra for showing these teaching in such an understandable way."


Ayurveda is not something we know 

it's something we do

We don't just give you information and leave you to figure out how that works in YOUR LIFE - we give you expert support every step of the way, and for as long as you want it.  In Agni Therapy you'll receive premium guidance all the way.
  • Myra goes live bi-weekly for a Q&A session and responds to in-depth questions. You can attend in person or watch the replay.  
  • The team responds daily to the question thread in the group, so you'll never be stuck.
Even if you're already on a journey of natural health - if you're not yet consistently practicing the tools of Ayurveda in your everyday life - you'll benefit from Agni Therapy.

What's included

in this four week experience?

WEEK 1 - Foundations 

  • Set your intentions for the program, and commit to your WHY so you can stay true to your promise to heal yourself over the 4 weeks and beyond. 
  • Explore the foundational principles of eating for health, with a flexible framework for balanced meals so you can feel nourished without spending hours in the kitchen.
  • We’ll show you how to manage your energy so you’re not pulled back into your old habits of eating from lack of energy.

WEEK 2 - Prepare for your  health RESET

  • This week is all about getting prepared to start your reset. You’ll get your kitchen set up, buy all the simple ingredients you’ll need, and start clearing your commitments and mind for the following week so you’re able to devote the energy you need to your reset.
           ** you can work this around your
             diary and needs

WEEK 3 - Reset your AGNI (digestion) towards lifelong health and happiness

  • We begin week 3 of your healing journey with a simple reset. This is not a starvation diet, you will feel nourished and supported the whole way through with simple but delicious recipes to support the healing of the gut and body.
  • ​We will also support your mind with clearing energy practices to help you with the following: moving out of your comfort zone, patience with healing, clearing judgment, and healing your relationship with food.


  • This week you'll  come gently out of your reset, and step into your feel-fabulous life.   
  • Agni Therapy is designed for you to incorporate many of the tools of Ayurveda and Yoga into your own life at home. We give you tools to transition from the reset to every day living, and we give you additional practices for when you're ready to deepen your experience.


  • Your package also includes a specialised Agni Therapy one to one health consultation with one of our experienced practitioners.  
  • ​This personalized guidance will provide you with clarity and will ensure you fast track your healing journey.
  • ​It starts with reviewing your health history and current state, and is followed up with email support after the consultation for 4 week

"Myra gave me results within weeks & tools for life"

"I found Myra's guidance at a time I felt lost with my health. No matter what I did my health conditions seemed to get worse and I had these stubborn, painful acne form on my jaw/ neck and I was going to the hospital a fair bit with the pain due to endometriosis. Myra showed me how to balance myself and gave me tools I can use for life to maintain my health.

By implementing the recommendations into my life, within 2 weeks the painful jaw acne went away, and from vomiting and experiencing extreme pain on my cycles to having minimal pain and no vomiting 1 month in.

I'm grateful to Myra for showing these teaching in such an understandable way."


Ayurveda is not something we know 

it is something we do

We don't just give you information and leave you to figure out how that works in YOUR LIFE - we give you expert support every step of the way, and for as long as you want it.  In Agni therapy you'll receive premium guidance all the way.
  • Myra goes live bi-weekly for a Q&A session and responds to in-depth questions. You can attend in person or watch the replay.  
  • The team responds daily to the question thread in the group, so you'll never be stuck.
Even if you're already on a journey of natural health - if you're not yet consistently practicing the tools of Ayurveda in your everyday life - you'll benefit from Agni Therapy.

Agni Therapy  

EXPansive package includes

  • A 1-1 consultation with a practitioner to review your health and make sure you get a customized plan just for you.
  • ​​Group Q&A coaching calls with Myra for in-depth guidance every second week.
  • ​4 weeks of program video module trainings to guide you through the reset (foundations, preparation, reset, setup for continued success).
  • A complete Ayurvedic cleanse program.
  • ​Balanced Ayurvedic eating food framework -  simple and flexible.
  • ​​Intuitive energy practice guided meditations.
  • ​Mastering mindset practices.
  • ​Tracking and journaling tools to celebrate your progress and access your inner wisdom.
  • ​​Inspiration emails to guide and support.
  • ​Questions answered by the team daily.
  • Friendly and supportive community.
Start today for only $87
6 x $87 -  1 PAYMENT TODAY + 5 monthly payments
Note: this option ends Dec 31 2022
OR a single payment of $467

Plus these Bonuses

guides & tips for even more ease


Conscious Kitchen Guide

Cheat sheet for busy self healers - how to set up your kitchen to save time and remove overwhelm. Make preparing fresh nurturing food a joyful part of your day. 


Refocus Rituals Guide

Gentle encouragement and simple action steps to 
easily get back on track without guilt or shame when
old habits creep back.


Out & About Guide

Nourishing yourself and being at ease while eating out and travelling. Tips for planning ahead, healthful choices to make when out, and recipes for a few great staples to take with when traveling. 


Dine With Myra

Bonus 7-day food plan with Myra's favorite recipes to make sustaining and integrating what you've learned even easier.  A firm favorite.  


Five Ways You're Lowering Your Libido Guide 

Without Realizing It! 5 things that are simple to change yet most people have no idea that they impact your libido.  


Ayurvedic Home Remedies Guide

Handy guide of Ayurvedic home remedies for 
common minor ailments + two tips on video from Myra.  

Your Agni Therapy 

expansive package includes

  • A 1-1 consultation with a practitioner to review your health and make sure you get a customized plan just for you.
  • Group Q&A coaching calls with Myra for in-depth guidance every second week.
  • 4 weeks of program video module trainings to guide you through the reset (foundations, preparation, reset, setup for continued success).
  • ​​A complete Ayurvedic cleanse program.
  • ​Balanced Ayurvedic eating food framework - simple and flexible.
  • ​​Intuitive energy practice guided meditations.
  • ​Mastering mindset practices.
  • ​Tracking and journaling tools to celebrate your progress and access your inner wisdom.
  • ​​Inspiration emails to guide and support.
  • ​Questions answered by the team daily.
  • ​Friendly and supportive community.
Start today for only $87
6x$87 One payment today + monthly payments
note: this option ends 31 dec 2022
OR a single payment of $467
TODAy's PRICE IS 40% OFF our regular price

Plus these Bonuses

guides & tips for even more ease


Conscious Kitchen Guide

Cheat sheet for busy self healers - how to set up your kitchen to save time and remove overwhelm. Make preparing fresh nurturing food a joyful part of your day.


Refocus Rituals Guide

Gentle encouragement and simple action steps to easily get back on track without guilt or shame when
old habits creep back.


Out & About Guide

Nourishing yourself and being at ease while eating out and travelling. Tips for planning ahead, healthful choices to make when out, and recipes for a few great staples to take with when traveling.


Dine With Myra

Bonus 7-day food plan with Myra's favorite recipes to make sustaining and integrating what you've learned even easier. A firm favorite. 


Five Ways You're Lowering Your Libido Guide 

Without Realizing It! 5 things that are simple to change yet most people have no idea that they impact your libido. 


Ayurvedic Home Remedies Guide

Handy guide of Ayurvedic home remedies for common minor ailments + two tips on video from Myra. 

Super Bonus

One-Time-Only offer today

Because your starting point and healing journey is unique when you join the Agni Therapy program today, you'll receive the priceless bonus gift of unlimited after-program membership to our exclusive Agni Therapy community

This means when you'll be able to get your questions answered by the team and by Myra not just for 4 weeks, but for as long as you wish. 

You can also repeat the program with a new group any time you wish. 

"These things fell away! No pain, no spotting, ovulation pain gone... It's huge"

" I couldn't stand up straight because it was so heavy and full, like my insides were just going to fall out when I was ovulating. It was literally crippling. I would spot for days before my flow, I would break out with acne, sore breasts.

These things fell away! No pain, no spotting, ovulation pain gone... It's huge."


14 Day Money-Back Guarantee

You make this investment at no risk

Because you’re covered by my personal Satisfaction Guarantee. I'm confident that when you get started you'll see huge results in your life!

And I know it can be hard to be certain when you haven't seen the program, so I'm taking away all the risk. 

If you feel the program is not for you, let us know within 14 days of purchase and we'll give you a prompt refund, no questions asked. 

Super Bonus

One-Time-Only offer today

Because your starting point and healing journey is unique when you join the Agni Therapy program today, you'll receive the priceless bonus gift of unlimited after-program membership to our exclusive Agni Therapy community. 

This means when you'll be able to get your questions answered by the team and by Myra not just for 4 weeks, but for as long as you wish. 

You can also repeat the program with a new group any time you wish.

"These things fell away! No pain, no spotting, ovulation pain gone... It's huge"

" I couldn't stand up straight because it was so heavy and full, like my insides were just going to fall out when I was ovulating. It was literally crippling. I would spot for days before my flow, I would break out with acne, sore breasts.

These things fell away! No pain, no spotting, ovulation pain gone... It's huge."


14 Day Money-Back Guarantee

You make this investment at no risk

Because you’re covered by my personal Satisfaction Guarantee. I'm confident that when you get started you'll see huge results in your life!

And I know it can be hard to be certain when you haven't seen the program, so I'm taking away all the risk. 

If you feel the program is not for you, let us know within 14 days of purchase and we'll give you a prompt refund, no questions asked. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I have (insert condition/diagnosis). Will Agni Therapy work for me? 

There are a growing number of named conditions and diagnoses these days. Ayurveda is a holistic approach that brings balance to the root cause of these problems by balancing the doshas, caring for agni and clearing ama/metabolic toxins.
The exceptions would be if you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or have type one diabetes. Be in contact with us if you have either of these situations.
If you are still unsure whether Agni Therapy will be supportive to you then be in touch with us - 

Will the practices in this course heal my digestive issues for life?

Yes. You'll learn what you need to heal your digestion and for as long as you apply those principles, your digestion will continue to improve.
Keep in mind that it took a long time to get your digestion where it is now. In Agni Therapy you begin to unravel those patterns and replace them with diet and lifestyle practices that point you in the direction of healing. Keep doing the practices and healing will continue to take place.

How much time is required?

You will need to set aside 2 hours per week or so to learn, then 20-30 minutes daily to do the practices, plus time to cook your meals. 

What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?

For 4 weeks after your 1-1 consultation you'll have 1-1 email support with your Ayurvedic Health Counselor. 
Our professional team respond daily to questions in the group.

Bi-weekly Myra goes live to address more in-depth questions. You can attend live or listen to the replay. 
There is also a community group of supportive women who are currently doing or have already completed Agni Therapy. This is a place where people ask questions, offer solutions, support and some like to have accountability to one another. 

What if it is not what I expect?

We offer a 14 day guarantee/refund. You make this investment at NO RISK because you’re covered by Hale Pule’s satisfaction guarantee.

How do I follow the program and still cook for my family?

Your family can share many of the same meals as you're having. There may be some elements that they do differently to you if they choose to add things, but the basis of the meal can be the same. 
We recommend people ask their family to be supportive of them doing the program. Explain to your loved ones why you want to do it, and how it will make you feel. 
Sometimes we think our family will be one way and we don’t give them a chance to show up for us. 

I'VE started OTHER PROGRAMS AND THEN DROPPED THEM. Is this program for me?

Yes. The practices are what help you to calm the aspects of yourself that keep you from finishing things in life. Allow this program be the end of that pattern. 

Can I do Agni Therapy if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

You won’t be able to do the kitchari reset in week three. You will be able to do most of the other practices. As Agni Therapy is currently an unlimited membership, you can come back and do the kitchari reset section another time.

For someone who has already been practicing Ayurveda and Yoga for years with no big changes, why would this be successful?

It’s likely that Ayurveda was not applied holistically which can be a downfall with a western approach. 

Are there any extra expenses outside of the course cost?

The feedback we have from those in the program is that their food costs decrease significantly in the long run. 
There are certain food items that you will cook with daily such as ghee and spices. If you don’t already have these, then you will need to purchase them.  
You might like to get a meditation pillow or a yoga mat if you do not have them. Having a special place to do your practices helps to set the energy and maintain regularity. 

What if I cannot access some of the ingredients where I live?

Most of the fresh ingredients suggested are commonly found in a fresh produce store or at a farmers market. 
Hale Pule provides a framework so that if you cannot find one item, you can replace it with something else that has similar qualities. If you’re unsure of the best thing to replace it with, we'll advise you.
If you cannot source certain dried goods in your area, you can order them online and we can recommend a website to do that depending on where you live. 

Is everything available immediately?

Yes. As soon as you purchase Agni Therapy, you will be sent a confirmation email with the next steps to begin. 

How long will I have access to the program?

We are not limiting or restricting access to the materials. We want you to have access to these tools for as long as they support you!  
As a bonus we are CURRENTLY also including unlimited access to the private community and live Q&A coaching calls with Myra
Many people return to Agni Therapy through-out the year for a top-up, especially at the change of season when agni is vulnerable. 

How fast can I expect to see results?

Within days. The body has many indicators and is communicating with us all the time. You’re likely to see changes on your tongue in two or three days. Brightness in your skin and your eyes will increase in one week. 
If you are carrying extra weight, that will begin to come off when you follow the eating guidelines. While each person is unique, we have seen excellent results with this process with thousands of clients over thirty years.  

How doES Agni Therapy FIT IN MY life AFTER the program?

Think of the program as laying a foundation for health and life-affirming practices. We support your integration process following the reset week. 
In the community group you have support and advice from many others who have completed the program and integrated it into their own lives.

I've already done a kitchari cleanse, how is this different?

Kitchari is a nice simple meal to cook and eat but kitchari alone is just that. In Ayurveda we say “for whom and when”. The state of digestion is what determines the effect that the food has on our bodies and state of mind. 
There are many parts to this program that prepare the body and mind to receive nourishment. Kitchari is one small aspect of the overall program.

I've already studied Ayurveda, how is this different?

Agni Therapy is designed for you to incorporate many of the tools of Ayurveda and Yoga into your own life at home. 
It is the first time we have offered guided videos for practices and a bi-weekly live Q&A with Myra Lewin, checking in and supporting you on your journey. 
Some things in Agni Therapy you may be familiar with. Remember that Ayurveda is not something we know, it is something we do. If you are not consistently practicing the tools of Ayurveda in your everyday life, you will benefit from Agni Therapy.

Will the program be EASY to integrate into daily life?

You'll start where you're ready to start, and as you see the benefits and enjoy better health, you'll integrate more practices as you go. 

Is it a set or RESTRICTIVE eating plan? 

There is a set eating plan with simple recipes that are easy to follow for the cleanse week.  Otherwise you'll have a suggested framework where you can apply the principles you've learned about digestion and creating balanced meals. 
Within that framework, you can do what works for you using ingredients that are local to you and cooking cuisines that you enjoy eating. 

Is it better after the program to keep following it forever or afterWARDS is there a maintenance program?

The program sets you up for an agni friendly diet and lifestyle integration in your everyday life.  
As you receive a bonus unlimited membership at present, you can return to Agni Therapy at any time.
We recommend everyone does the digestive reset week 2-4 times per year, at the change of each season. 

I don’t use ghee. Will this still work for me? 

Yes. For those who prefer not to have ghee for personal reasons, you could swap the ghee out for another oil such as olive oil if you are in a cool climate, sesame oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil if you are in a hot tropical climate.
All of these oils do not have the same supportive properties as ghee and they can challenge digestion somewhat. 
When butter becomes ghee, it goes through a transformation process where the milk solids are removed. People that may have had problems with lactose or dairy, do not have any issues with ghee and thrive using it as ghee supports their digestion. 

Can this be accessed without the internet?

No. You'll need the internet to access the group, content, pre-recorded videos, live Q&A and participate in the support community. You will be able to download the supportive written content.

Do I need to be on Facebook to do Agni Therapy?

No, this program will operate in a safe and private platform free of distractions where you can still enjoy all the benefits of connecting with your peers. 

How does this program fit to different personal doshas? How do we know what is best for our unique constitution?

The recipes provided are tri-doshic and designed to balance excess in all of the three doshas. During the program you will learn to plan and enjoy meals that work for anyone because all ingredients are enjoyed in moderation.
There is a good deal of information about the doshas in the program to help you understand your tendencies and imbalances. 
If there is an extreme case, such as type one diabetes, in the consultation we'll tailor areas of the program to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have (insert condition/diagnosis). Will Agni Therapy work for me? 

There are a growing number of named conditions and diagnoses these days. Ayurveda is a holistic approach that brings balance to the root cause of these problems by balancing the doshas, caring for agni and clearing ama/metabolic toxins.

The exceptions would be if you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or have type one diabetes. Be in contact with us if you have either of these situations.

If you are still unsure whether Agni Therapy will be supportive to you then be in touch with us - 

Will the practices in this course heal my digestive issues for life?

Yes. You'll learn what you need to heal your digestion and for as long as you apply those principles, your digestion will continue to improve.

Keep in mind that it took a long time to get your digestion where it is now. In Agni Therapy you begin to unravel those patterns and replace them with diet and lifestyle practices that point you in the direction of healing. Keep doing the practices and healing will continue to take place.

How much time is required?

You will need to set aside 2 hours per week or so to learn, then 20-30 minutes daily to do the practices, plus time to cook your meals. 

What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?

For 4 weeks after your 1-1 consultation you'll have 1-1 email support with your Ayurvedic Health Counselor. 
Our professional team respond daily to questions in the group.

Bi-weekly Myra goes live to address more in-depth questions. You can attend live or listen to the replay. 
There is also a community group of supportive women who are currently doing or have already completed Agni Therapy. This is a place where people ask questions, offer solutions, support and some like to have accountability to one another. 

What if it is not what I expect?

We offer a 14 day guarantee/refund. You make this investment at NO RISK because you’re covered by Hale Pule’s satisfaction guarantee.

How do I follow the program and still cook for my family?

Your family can share many of the same meals as you're having. There may be some elements that they do differently to you if they choose to add things, but the basis of the meal can be the same. 

We recommend people ask their family to be supportive of them doing the program. Explain to your loved ones why you want to do it, and how it will make you feel. 

Sometimes we think our family will be one way and we don’t give them a chance to show up for us. 


Yes. The practices are what help you to calm the aspects of yourself that keep you from finishing things in life. Allow this program be the end of that pattern.  

Can I do Agni Therapy if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

You won’t be able to do the kitchari reset in week 3. You will be able to do most of the other practices. As Agni Therapy is currently an unlimited membership, you can come back and do the kitchari reset section another time.

For someone who has already been practicing Ayurveda and Yoga for years with no big changes, why would this be successful?

It’s likely that Ayurveda was not applied holistically which can be a downfall with a western approach. 

Are there any extra expenses outside of the course cost?

The feedback we have from those in the program is that their food costs decrease significantly in the long run. 

There are certain food items that you will cook with daily such as ghee and spices. If you don’t already have these, then you will need to purchase them.  

You might like to get a meditation pillow or a yoga mat if you do not have them. Having a special place to do your practices helps to set the energy and maintain regularity. 

What if I cannot access some of the ingredients where I live?

Most of the fresh ingredients suggested are commonly found in a fresh produce store or at a farmers market. 

Hale Pule provides a framework so that if you cannot find one item, you can replace it with something else that has similar qualities. If you’re unsure of the best thing to replace it with, we'll advise you.

If you cannot source certain dried goods in your area, you can order them online and we can recommend a website to do that depending on where you live.

Is everything available immediately?

Yes. As soon as you purchase Agni Therapy, you will be sent a confirmation email with the next steps to begin.

How long will I have access to the program?

We are not limiting or restricting access to the materials. We want you to have access to these tools for as long as they support you! 
As a bonus we are CURRENTLY also including unlimited access to the private community and live Q&A coaching calls with Myra

Many people return to Agni Therapy through-out the year for a top-up, especially at the change of season when agni is vulnerable. 

How fast can I expect to see results?

Within days. The body has many indicators and is communicating with us all the time. You’re likely to see changes on your tongue in two or three days. Brightness in your skin and your eyes will increase in one week.
If you are carrying extra weight, that will begin to come off when you follow the eating guidelines. While each person is unique, we have seen excellent results with this process with thousands of clients over thirty years. 

How doES Agni Therapy FIT IN MY life AFTER the program?

Think of the program as laying a foundation for health and life-affirming practices. We support your integration process following the reset week. 

In the community group you have support and advice from many others who have completed the program and integrated it into their own lives.

I've already done a kitchari cleanse, how is this different?

Kitchari is a nice simple meal to cook and eat but kitchari alone is just that. In Ayurveda we say “for whom and when”. The state of digestion is what determines the effect that the food has on our bodies and state of mind. 

There are many parts to this program that prepare the body and mind to receive nourishment. Kitchari is one small aspect of the overall program.

I've already studied Ayurveda, how is this different?

Agni Therapy is designed for you to incorporate many of the tools of Ayurveda and Yoga into your own life at home. 

It is the first time we have offered guided videos for practices and a bi-weekly live Q&A with Myra Lewin, checking in and supporting you on your journey. 

Some things in Agni Therapy you may be familiar with. Remember that Ayurveda is not something we know, it is something we do. If you are not consistently practicing the tools of Ayurveda in your everyday life, you will benefit from Agni Therapy.

Will the program be EASY to integrate into daily life?

You'll start where you're ready to start, and as you see the benefits and enjoy better health, you'll integrate more practices as you go. 

Is it a set or Restrictice eating plan? 

There is a set eating plan with simple recipes that are easy to follow for the cleanse week. Otherwise you'll have a suggested framework where you can apply the principles you've learned about digestion and creating balanced meals.
Within that framework, you can do what works for you using ingredients that are local to you and cooking cuisines that you enjoy eating. 

Is it better after the program to keep following it forever or afterWARDS is there a maintenance program?

The program sets you up for an agni friendly diet and lifestyle integration in your everyday life. 
As you receive a bonus unlimited membership at present, you can return to Agni Therapy at any time.

We recommend everyone does the digestive reset week 2-4 times per year, at the change of each season. 

I don’t use ghee. Will this still work for me? 

Yes. For those who prefer not to have ghee for personal reasons, you could swap the ghee out for another oil such as olive oil if you are in a cool climate, sesame oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil if you are in a hot tropical climate.

All of these oils do not have the same supportive properties as ghee and they can challenge digestion somewhat. 

When butter becomes ghee, it goes through a transformation process where the milk solids are removed. People that may have had problems with lactose or dairy, do not have any issues with ghee and thrive using it as ghee supports their digestion. 

Can this be accessed without the internet?

No. You'll need the internet to access the group, content, pre-recorded videos, live Q&A and participate in the support community. You will be able to download the supportive written content.

Do I need to be on Facebook to do Agni Therapy?

No, this program will operate in a safe and private platform free of distractions where you can still enjoy all the benefits of connecting with your peers. 

How does this program fit to different personal doshas? How do we know what is best for our unique constitution?

The recipes provided are tri-doshic and designed to balance excess in all of the three doshas. During the program you will learn to plan and enjoy meals that work for anyone because all ingredients are enjoyed in moderation.

There is a good deal of information about the doshas in the program to help you understand your tendencies and imbalances.
If there is an extreme case, such as type one diabetes, in the consultation we'll tailor areas of the program to you.

"I loved the connection with others and felt so good to have a place to share" 

"I was a bit apprehensive at first because typically I am not so into online programs as I have trouble to keep focus or feel inspired. But this changed my mind as I felt it to be really powerful to have this learning and be able to really fine-tune it to daily life as it was being brought directly into it. 

My experience was lovely.

I love the q&a sessions and feel so grateful for the time being given towards this space. I loved the connection with others and felt so good to have a place to share and express struggles and triumphs and hear others as well."


"I loved the connection with others and felt so good to have a place to share" 

"I was a bit apprehensive at first because typically I am not so into online programs as I have trouble to keep focus or feel inspired. But this changed my mind as I felt it to be really powerful to have this learning and be able to really fine-tune it to daily life as it was being brought directly into it. 

My experience was lovely.

I love the q&a sessions and feel so grateful for the time being given towards this space. I loved the connection with others and felt so good to have a place to share and express struggles and triumphs and hear others as well."


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